tru's Views, News and Information

Thursday, February 08, 2007

South Jersy Group 1 Champs

Wasn't that fun and exciting! Congratualtions to Niko Lopez on his 100th career victory tonight! He handled Mr. Sweezy. So much for Larson majoring Silvestro. Buddha impressed me with his win over Commisso - held him scoreless. Eddie got the party kick started with the pin! Hats off to Stix for not bagging it on the slam - very classy. Kline, Hoehn, Gentile and Duca all had tough bouts tonight and all wrestled really well. Big Man had a 2 second take-down - I didn't even know that was possible. Zach had his hands full but got the job done. Could Big D have lifted that child any higher? Geez he's strong. And are we sure Mr. Dunnet missed mat time this year? Good job Dunnet.

Next up, Group semi's and finals in Toms River. I don't even know who we have yet. Some reporter huh. I won't be making the trip (lip poked out) but my heart will be with the fellas. Hopefully my friend will call me with updates so I don't chew my arm off.

Finally, I managed to snap some pics tonight. Not when they were actually posing for pictures (I'm not the brightest light in the harbor). I'm missing a few but I got most of the Raiders in their natural habitat. I'll post them separately.


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