tru's Views, News and Information

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pancake Breakfast

It's that time of year again. Come out and enjoy the Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Paulsboro Wrestling Association. Breakfast is served by your favorite Paulsboro wrestlers. Here's your chance to talk to the fellas and generally harass them about anything you like.

Date: Super Bowl Sunday - February 4, 2007

Time: 8:00am - 12:00noon

Place: PHS Cafeteria

Cost: Adults $6.00, Children un der 10 yrs old and seniors $3.00

Menu: Pancakes, sausage and orange juice

Tickets: Eileen Curl, Kathy Hunckler or Patty Farrow (Concession stand (home), hallway (home) or gym (away matches). Tickets will be available at the door but we encourage to get them in advance so the PWA knows how much food to purchase.

Thank you for your support!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Streak Coverage

For your reading pleasure, here are the links to the newspaper articles I could find about yesterday's monumental accomplishment. The story printed in the Courier Post was reported by the AP Press so it's available nationally. My friend called today to say that her Uncle in Pasadena, Texas, read the article in his local paper today. How cool is that!

Also, the match vs. Haddonfield (the actual 300th win) will be broadcast on Comcast local Channel 5 on Monday night at 8:00pm. It was on last night and today also but I neglected to post that. Sorry. Unfortunately, Comcast didn't cover the ceremony recognizing the original team and all the participants BUT - it was filmed by Paulsboro. I will start bothering Paul (I figure I should give him at least one day without me annoying the hell out of him, lol) tomorrow to see if copies will be available (probably with a small price tag) to the general public. I don't think it will be too hard to talk him into it.

I also heard that Channel 10 (NBC) will be airing something about the Streak on Monday at 4:00pm. They were there yesterday for a long time (over an hour) and have lots of video. I wasn't bright enough to actually get the details from anyone - I'm such a lousy reporter (great fan, lousy reporter).

I'm also including a link to newspaper coverage of our own Russell Carter. I know he didn't wrestle, he was busy being phenominal in basketball. But he also is on the cover of the Sports Page in the Times - today was a great day for Paulsboro all around in the papers. Lord knows it will get ugly again, so let's enjoy it while we can.

Philadelphia Inquirer:

Courier Post:

Courier Post:

Fox Sports:

Gloucester County Times:

Gloucester County Times (Carter):

Gloucester County Times (Monday):

Boro of Paulsboro Website (Photos by Teresa Colanero):

Gloucester County Times:

Bonus link: Pictures from the Jackson match from the Courier post:


The Original Streak Builders
Kneeling L-R James Blasetto, Tyrone Hamilton, Robert Valleri, Casper Tortella, Steven Bergmann, Dale Driver, David Hall
Standing L-R Carmel Morina, Ernie Benne, Wayne Murchell, Robert Fredrick, Bob Minix, Walter Streets, Jim Ditonno, Tom Trexler, Dale Sizemore, Van Lynch

The Masterminds - Bob Frederick and Paul Morina

Just some of the contributors to the Streak.

Coach Greg Croce and Sir Isaac Redman

The Hamiltons - Marvin, Sr., Jeff, Jr., Jeff, Sr., and Tyrone

Pickle!!!!! Jermaine Ruffin

The Dynamic Duo - Glassboro Head Wrestling Coach Frank Daminger and Big John David

Saturday, January 20, 2007

300th Consecutive Colonial Conference Win

I don't even know where to start with this. What a magical day. If you scripted the day, it couldn't have been any better and I am soooooo thankful that I got to be a part of it. The ceremony in the gym today between matches was excellent. I had no idea there were that many former wrestlers in the gym until they were called out onto to floor - and then the many more who weren't technically a part of the Streak but were just as instrumental in keeping the program what it is today. Just mind boggling. Such an assortment of men, young and not quite as young - different walks of life - State Champions - the everyday, tough it out guys. And the generations - some families represented by numerous participants. It was a site to behold.

One of the things that most impressed me was the humility of all of the speakers - especially Mr. Frederick and Coach Morina. They could have stood there, at that presentation and pounded their chests and said "hey, look what we did and aren't we the greatest" and no-one would have been able to fault them for that. But they didn't. They thanked each other, each and every wrestler, the fans, the parents, their families, the community - everybody - and they meant it sincerely.

Oh and the stories. Even the folks from the other teams had Paulsboro wrestling stories. The themes were all about respect and tradition - it means something to wrestle in that gym.

I was standing on the mat taking pictures of the original 1971-72 team and Niko Lopez was standing next to me and he said, "this is what it's all about. This is Paulsboro wrestling." He nailed it. He gets it. Like both Coach Morina and Mr. Frederick say to their wrestlers "you don't wrestle for yourself. It's not about you. It's about every other wrestler who has ever come through this program. That's why you do it." Amen.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More News Articles

Just want to make sure everyone has seen what's been printed about our Paulsboro athletes, past and present. Here are the links:

Demitrius Hester in the Star Ledger:

Russell Carter in the Courier Post:

Russell Carter in the Inquirer:

Two Hundred Ninety Niiiiiiiiiiiiiine

Getting down to the wire now. One more match against Clearview Friday night (non-conference) and then the show begins on Saturday.

I finally got to watch an entire match live tonight - wooooohoooo. It was crazy though, the match was in Heights but I'll bet I could count all the Heights fans on one hand. That's sad. Win or lose, I'm sure those kids have parents and family. And if you're wondering, the heights Coach is just as entertaining as he's always been.

Paulsboro received 3 forfeits tonight - Silvestro, Lopez and Greenwald (and Uncle Bob and his friend drove all that way!). That didn't make any sense to me either.

For me, and it seemed like most everyone else too, the match of the night was Tyare Ford at 103. Boy that's a tough young man. I can't even imagine the damage he would do if he even weighed close to 103. He lost a close decision tonight, 4-2, but certainly not for lack of effort. Tyare scored the first points of the match by sweeping the ankle and scoring the take down. He gave it his best shot for the rest of the match but he was just giving up too much of a size difference. Sounds strange talking about a 3 pounder but it's true.

I also got to see Casey Grimes Brandon Samuels and Willie Anderson win for the first time live too. I was starting to think either me or my friend (and you know who you are) were jinxing Stix but apparently not.

A very enjoyable evening. No stress - well no stress for me anyway.

Almost forgot - if you purchased AC tickets through the PWA, they will be available for pickup in the concession stand (just go to the window) at the match on Saturday.

Monday, January 15, 2007

300th Celebration

If all goes well this week ( fingers and toes crossed), Paulsboro will get it's 300th Consecutive Colonial Conference win on Saturday, January 20th. A Quad is scheduled for that day and Haddonfield is first up for the Raiders (lucky Dawgs) at 10:00am. Paulsboro first has to win the match this Wednesday night at Haddon Heights (#299) before counting any hatching chickens.

Then Saturday morning (yes A.M.) Paulsboro should make history against Haddonfield. The original 1971-72 team, the fellas that started this whole deal, will be in attendance. The team has also extended an invitation to any and all Red Raider wrestlers who were a part of this streak, to also attend. The original team, coaches and participants will be honored at 1:00pm (approximately) with a brief ceremony recocognizing these outstanding men. Coaches of the teams that are participating in the Quad on Saturday have been informed and they have all gratiously agreed to the brief break in the program.

Immediately following wrestling on Saturday, a Beef and Beer will be hosted at the Sons of Italy (where else?). The cost of the shindig is $15. Tickets will be available the day of the Quad and possibly at the door.

I can't wait. What an opportunity. Not simply for the witnessing history aspect but to be able to mingle and interact with the athletes that contributed to make this Streak a reality. The stories are going to be fabulous - they're going to get even more fabulous as the night progresses at the Sons, wink wink.

Come on out and be a part of it. Bring your stories!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Caesar Rodney Match

Very disappointing tonight. I truly thought the fellas would turn this up but it just didn't happen. Quite honestly, it didn't feel like the guys were into this match tonight - definitely not all of them but enough that it made a difference.

If I had to give "you got heart" awards - I'd give two: Duca and Cucinotta. Joey took it to Keech (State Champ) - he kept pushing and pushing and got his hand raised at the end! Mike had his work cut out for him - Meade is ranked #1 in the world (seriously, he's like 2nd in the country) but that didn't phase Cuch - he wrestled the enitre six minutes - stayed OFF HIS BACK - and gave up only minimal points. I'm sure Mr. Meade was very frustrated.

Some folks would like to chalk this up to youth - well, only one freshman went down tonight. Exactly (1) freshman, (2) sophomores, (1) junior and (3) seniors. You make the call.

Time to move on - Wednesday night at Heights - trying to keep the Streak alive. Step up the pace fellas, the bullseye is on your backs - nobody is going to go down easily. All wins have to be earned.

News Articles

Here are the links to a couple of good articles written today about last night's match with Jackson. The Raiders should be proud of themselves.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Zach Greenwald

Are you kidding me? This kid is the bomb! This has to be the biggest match of the dual meet season for Paulsboro and what does this freshman do - he PINS his competition! He doesn't just win, doesn't just get some bonus points - he PINS the kid. I can get used to this! I wish I could buy my AC tickets 2 years in advance because Zach is going to be putting on quite a show. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets there this year.

Zach has an excellent work ethic and just enough attitude - perfect Raider formula. I can't wait to see what he does the rest of the season - especially in the individual tournament. Look out D29 and R8 - the Zach Attack is coming!

Congratulations on the win tonight Zach - and Mom, and Dad, and Uncle Bob, and Aunt Inky and the rest of the Greenwald clan.

Jackson Match

Tough loss but excellent job by the Raiders! Nobody thought it was going to be close, except us of course, and even some of us had our doubts. The fellas came out and gave it their all - that's all we can ask for. I'm sorry I didn't get to see it personally but what can you do.

Congratualtions to all who won their matches: Greenwald (pin), Hodges (dec), Silvesro (dec), Hester (pin), Wurtenberger (dec), and Lopez (major dec). Couple of close ones: Duca losing to Kinchen but only by a decision and Cucinotta vs Carney I hear went down to the wire. The rest of the fellas did what they could and will only get better from here.

Well that's over but the weekend isn't. Next up, Caesar Rodney tomorrow. You can do this guys. There has been a time change too - JV starts at 4:30pm and varsity goes at 6:00pm. I think this change was made to accomodate the Eagles fans - how thoughtful.

I'm going to go watch Paulsboro vs Paul VI, January 31, 1987, now - thanks to my friend with the connections. Thanks!

It's Here!

The premier match of the season (as far as Paulsboro is concerned) is upon us. Where did that time go? The Jags and their fans will be descending on us tomorrow night - it's going to be a spectacle. Doors should be opening at 4:45 for Season Pass holders, then the wrestling parents (both sides) will be allowed entry, then the general public. My husband heard folks talking today saying that Jackson is bring 3 fan buses - sheesh. All I know is the Raider faithful need to be there - early - with an optimistic attitude. Otherwise stay home. There are enough nay sayers out there - we don't need our own house divided.

I was going to try to do a line-up comparison but then I asked myself, for what? I'd just really be guessing anyway and I truly haven't learned that much about Jackson to make any educated predictions anyway. Did that sound sincere?

My heart is with you Red! Is a victory possible - you're damned skippy it's possible. Anything is possible. Does Jackson work harder? Longer? Who wants it more? I understand that Dunnet is out, and hell yea, we'll miss Eric. But Eric's one guy. He represents one weight class. Just one.

Let's get this party started. Good luck fellas!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Inquirer Article on the Streak

Just incase some of you may have missed it, the Philadelphia Inquirer had a really good article today about the Streak. It's really getting exciting. Here's the link to the story for your enjoyment:

Monday, January 08, 2007

Upcoming Events

OK folks - back to the dual meet season. This Wednesday the Raiders will host the Crusaders - I don't think it would be a stretch to predict a win for the Raiders that night. Then.....Friday.....Jackson comes to town. I for one am holding on to optimism for the Red! I know it doesn't look too promising, even if everything went perfectly it was going to be a tough match. I personally think the fellas can do it but they have to want it....really want it.

Next, on Saturday......Caesar Rodney will be making the trip across the bridge. Another edge of our seats match. I don't know too much about them this year other than they're nationally ranked again. I know the Raiders can do this.

Exhale. Next Wednesday we travel to Haddon Heights and if all goes well, Paulsboro will get Colonial Conference consecutive match win #299. Excellent. Friday we make the trip to Clearview (ewwww green).

January 20th baby - the Colonial Quad - first up, Haddonfield. Coach Morina has pointed out that they will probably be Paulsboro's toughest competition in the Conference and he isn't taking anything for granted. Which is why he's Coach Morina and Paulsboro is poised to hit this milestone. If the planets align correctly that morning, Paulsboro will get it's 300th consecutive Conference win. That's just mind boggling. (To read about the streak, click on this link:

Here's the exciting part: the entire 1971 wrestling team, the team that actually started the streak, will be honored at that match. How cool is that? I will definitely post more about this after I pump Paul for information. Then that night there will be a Beef and Beer at the Sons and any wrestler that participated in the Streak is invited. Again, I'll post more info when I get it.

Next up on the agenda.... January 27th is the 7th and 8th grade Conference Tournament at PHS. Finally (for now) February 4th, Super Bowl Sunday, Pancake Breakfast. I'm pretty sure its from 8:00am to 12:00noon and I know its in the cafeteria. Tickets will be on sale starting this week at the Delsea match.

Oh, almost forgot, last chance to get AC Tickets through the PWA this week. Tickets are $40 and need to be paid for by the 13th.

Got all that...write it down. Busy, busy,busy. We have a lot of wrestling to get in now since the season was shortened by a week this year. Buckle your seat belts and come along for the ride! Get'em early Red!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Council Rock Tournament Friday Night

I don't know who wrestled who but here's how the Raiders are doing so far:


103: Zold - lost (also lost in WB - out)
130: Samuels - won
2 others in prelims but I don't remember who - they both won though.


112: Duca - won by major - 9-1
119: Wurtenberger - won by pin - 1:59
125: Lopez - won by tf - 21-6 - 5:01
130: Samuels - lost by pin - 4:30
135: Hoehn - lost by dec - 6-0
140: Gentile - lost by dec 5-4
145: Braxton - lost by pin - 1:44
152: Hamilton - lost by dec - 4-3
160: Cucinotta - won by pin - 4:48
171: Greenwald - lost by dec - 5-3OT - controversial call
189: Hodges - won by pin - 1:46
215: Silvestro - won by pin - 1:29
HWT: Hester - won by pin 0:44 (beat Parker of Gami)

2nd Round Wrestle Backs

130: Samuels - won by pin - ?
135: Hoehn - won by ff
140: Gentile - won by ff
145: Braxton - lost - out
152: Hamilton - won by pin - 2nd period
171: Greenwald - won by pin - 0:55

So, Paulsboro is still alive in 12 weight classes (103 and 145 are out). Not too bad. I'm hearing that the competition is excellent. Tournament starts early tomorrow - I don't. I'll post as soon as I can.

Thanks to tyco1 on the forum - here's the link to the official results of the tournament - updated regularly:

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Newest Raider Fan

Couldn't you just eat her alive. Miss Heffalump arrived this morning, 8lbs - 12oz, 21 inches long. She and her mother are doing well (amen) and it shouldn't be too long before she makes her debut. Actually, I expect her to be dressed and ready on Wednesday for the Delsea match. Just kidding, wink wink.

So, you'll excuse me if I forget to post for a few days. I have a granddaughter to spoil. Thanks for all the well wishes.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Merry New Year

Merry New Year everyone! I hope 2007 finds you all happy, healthy and ready for some wrestling.

Minor correction to the Colonial Conference Streak info. Paulsboro had 296 consecutive conference wins coming into 2006/07 not 297 as previously posted. Honest error - the Gateway win in 1971 was counted amongst the wins when in fact they were not in the Colonial at that time - they were still in the Olympic. Details, details, details. Actually this really works out from a fan point of view because if all goes well, Paulsboro will get 298 (297 came against Sterling) against Audubon tomorrow night, 299 against Haddon Heights in Heights and then #300 will be at the Conference Quad (how appropriate) at Home on the 20th (Lindenwold, Haddonfield and Township). Excellent. I'd much rather see the Raiders reach that milestone at home than on the road.

Congratulations again to all the winners at the brick Tournament and to all that participated. The fellas represented the Red well. I'm really into this murderer's row - Cucinotta, Greenwald, Hodges, Silvestro and Hester. If only they still started the matches at 103 - boy oh boy.

So the Raiders face the Wave tomorrow night. Audubon has a new Head Coach, Don Seybold, who coincidently grew up literally in my backyard. Nice guy, nice family. I hope he and the Wave do well this season (except of course tomorrow - well, they can do well, just not that well). I don't know anything about their line-up other than what I read on the forum so I have no comment there. I'm sure they have a couple of bright spots but I doubt they're going to be any match for the fellas in Red.

My plan is to be at the match, with my grandson. My grand daughter has yet to make her grand entrance - she better get this show on the road. Doesn't she realize its wrestling season - sheesh.
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