Brick Tournament So Far
103: Tyare Ford - wrestling back for 7/8 (Ya gotta love this kid!)
119: Joe Duca - wrestling back to 5/6
125: Eddie Wurtenberger - wrestling back to 3/4
130: Niko Lopez - in the Finals
140: Ryan Hoehn - wrestling back to 7/8
145: Jimmy Gentile - wrestling back to 3/4
160: Jeff Hamilton - wrestling back to 5/6
160: Mike Cucinotta - wrestling back to 3/4
171: Zach Greenwald - in the Finals
189: Gerald Hodges - in the Finals
215: Alex Silvestro - in the Finals
HWT: Demitrius Hester - in the Finals
Excellent job Red! Young Mr. Dunnet did not wrestle in the tournament - banged up his ankle running yesterday. I'll let you know when I hear more.
103: Ford took 8th
119: Duca took 6th
125: Wurtenberger took 4th
130: Lopez took 2nd (apparently got caught by Maloney)
140: Hoehn took 7th
145: Gentile took 3rd
160: Hamilton took 6th
160: Cucinotta took 3rd
Murderer's Row:
171: Greenwald took 1st
189: Hodges took 1st
215: Silvestro took 1st
HWT: Hester took 1st
Way to represent the Red fellas! A couple of tough losses but overall - excellent day! I'll post box scores when/if I get them.